
We were pleased that Scale Designs was invited to make a presentation on:

 “Hopper Scales NTEP and Retrofits”

at the NISA ( National Industrial Scale Association ) Spring Conference in Pittsburgh PA.

Mike Powers with Central Illinois Scale Company said Don did a great job with his presentation.

I was not there but I can attest to the fact that Don never met an ear he did not want to bend with his latest design, invention or idea about how to feed the world.

He is currently spending a lot of time in Haiti trying to help Haitians grow their own food instead of relying on imports and the charity of others.


If your scale breaks, call us or have your dealer call us. We can get you back in operation with a new scale faster than anyone else that we know about. Typical delivery is about a week to ten work days but when all our orders are for working replacements we will attempt to replace broken scales first and that can be pretty fast.

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